shadow work

Introduction Pt 1.

Shadow work is a term coined by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung. However, not many people know that the work of the rishis in ancient India and the Vedanta philosophies and techniques for libaration are, in fact, forms of shadow work as well.

Even the Sankhya philosophy, which is the ideas presented in the Bhagavad Gita narrating Arjuna's ultimate shadow work journey of facing his fears and becoming liberated, involves shadow work. Krishna, his guide, shows him how to do this.

When you read about Jung's life and work, you can see a life of a true yogi reflected in his work and dreams. To become your complete self, you must avoid being split by the personalities and archetypes that create a shadow self.

Only when an individual is capable of accepting all parts of themselves and not avoiding pain or seeking pleasure, but rather being complete with the Self, can they become liberated from the shadow world also known as the samsaric dream.

If you have enjoyed this introduction, share it. I will continue periodically to write more on Shadow Work.


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