
The genesis of the Vibroacoustic Sound Bath emanated from my sensitivity to frequencies from sound bowls especially really high pitched ones make me cringe.

So,I envisioned the creation of an esoteric sojourn—a sacred experience bespoke for those hungering to plunge into the shadows of their own existence.

fervently seeking the keys to unlock the shackles binding their spirits in the pursuit of spiritual liberation.

A journey into the enigmatic tapestry of senses, invites seekers to recline upon a vibrating bed or pillow with embedded with transducers, promising an otherworldly communion with the forces that resonate through sound and vibration. In this mysterious realm, the ethereal BASS of frequencies, intricately woven with melodic echoes, beckons individuals to surrender to the veiled allure of an esoteric experience.

As participants surrender to the vibrations coursing through their beings, a palpable sense of mystique permeates the air. The rhythmic cadence, like a secret incantation, dances across the contours of the body, whispering promises of profound relaxation and an elusive connection to realms beyond ordinary perception.

In the heart of the experience, the convergence of haunting harmonies and gentle tremors invokes a sense of communion with the unseen. Here lies the potential to unlock doors to the subconscious, unveiling hidden realms of the psyche. The interplay of vibrations and resonant frequencies, like the notes of an ancient melody, holds the promise of transformative encounters with the mysterious forces that govern the mind and spirit.

Vibrobath, extends an invitation to those who seek to unravel the mysteries that resonate through the arcane interplay of sound and vibration, where the boundaries between the tangible and the ineffable blur into an indistinct dreamscape of possibility.


for the love of bass